Durch den unermüdlichen Einsatz unserer EnglischlehrerInnen (zum Beispiel Gewinn des Hauptpreis am AnglistInnentag), kam die 6B in den Genuss eines großartigen English Project Day. Luke und Jerome, Nativespeaker aus South Africa und London brachten sogar sonst eher schweigsame SchülerInnen zum Mitdiskutieren. Was für ein toller Tag das war, könnt ihr aus den Zitaten von den SchülerInnen der 6B entnehmen:
“To be honest, we thought Luke would be more childish, but he turned out to be Morgan Freeman.”
“In the last lesson both groups got together and we played a game, boys vs. girls. Unfortunately the boys won.”
“It was a nice break from our normal school life. We will always remember the fun time we had and we would definitely like to repeat that one day.”
“The native speakers were really funny and honestly we only laughed through those four hours. We learnt a lot from each other and also from the native speakers.”